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Creme Ultra Facial

Crème Ultra Facial

Découvrez notre crème hydratante n ° 1 formulé pour tous les types de peau, même les plus sensibles. Cet hydratant léger formulé avec du Squalane,procure une hydratation de 24 heures pour une peau plus douce et lisse.

Old price New price 87,00 $
Nettoyant Ultra Facial

Nettoyant Ultra Facial

Un nettoyant moussant doux avec du squalane pour tous les types de peau.

Old price New price 25,00 $
Facial Fuel Nettoyant Visage energisant

Facial Fuel Nettoyant Visage énergisant

Gel nettoyant visage énergisant pour hommes

Old price New price 58,00 $
Gel moussant nettoyant visage intense au calendula

Gel moussant nettoyant visage intense au calendula

Un nettoyant moussant non asséchant extrêmement efficace pour le visage qui régénère et apaise la peau.

Old price New price 53,00 $
Tonique sans alcool a l'extrait de calendula

Tonique sans alcool à l'extrait de calendula

Un tonique apaisant sans alcool imprégné de pétales de calendula pour atténuer visiblement les rougeurs et le sébum en surface.

Old price New price 65,00 $
Baume a levres #1

Baume à lèvres #1

Protège temporairement et aide à régénérer la peau morte et les lèvres sèches.

Une taille disponible
15 ml
Old price New price 18,00 $
Nettoyant aux herbes et au concombre

Nettoyant aux herbes et au concombre

Gel moussant nettoyant sans savon ultra-doux pour le visage aux extraits de concombre

Une taille disponible
150 ml
Old price New price 38,00 $
Gel hydratant Ultra-facial<sup>MC</sup> sans-huile
Nouveau & Amélioré

Gel hydratant Ultra-facialMC sans-huile

Un gel hydratant rafraîchissant sans huile qui atténue la brillance pour la peau grasse et la peau normale.

Old price New price 52,00 $
Creme contour des yeux a l’avocat

Crème contour des yeux à l’avocat

Une crème contour des yeux hydratante qui corrige les yeux bouffis et qui éclaircit la zone sous les yeux. 

Old price New price 78,00 $
Super Traitement Multi-Correcteur Contour Des Yeux

Super Traitement Multi-Correcteur Contour Des Yeux

Une crème contour des yeux anti-âge qui cible l’arcade sourcilière, la paupière, les pattes d’oie et la zone sous les yeux pour dévoiler une apparence jeune, rehaussée et raffermie.

Old price New price 115,00 $
Soin Visage Ultra-Hydratant

Soin Visage Ultra-Hydratant

Hydratant facilement absorbé par la peau avec protection solaire

Old price New price 52,00 $
Age Defender creme contour yeux pour homme

Age Defender crème contour yeux pour homme

Crème yeux effet liftant anti-rides et anti-cernes pour hommes

Une taille disponible
14 ml
Old price New price 52,00 $

Skin Care Products: Anti-Aging, Cleansers, Serums & More

Since we first began as an old-world apothecary 165 years ago, Kiehl’s has been a leader in skin care product development through our scientific rigor and innovative thinking. With Kiehl’s skin care products at your fingertips, achieving natural, youthful and glowing skin has never been easier. When building a daily face skincare routine, be sure to include the three must-haves: cleanser, toner and moisturizer. always start with a cleanser to effectively rinse out dirt and excess oil buildup in your skin. Fully clear out any remaining debris and then close up clean pores to prevent new unwanted substances from entering with a toner. Finally, lock-in hydration throughout the day with a moisturizer for visibly smoother and younger looking skin. Add targeted treatments for specific concerns in between toner and moisturizer with products like anti-aging serums or acne treatment. Take your skincare to the next level. Add a weekly facemask to maximize cleansing and exfoliation while taking full care of your specific needs. Expand your skincare efforts beyond the face with a body moisturizer.

How to Get Clear Skin?

Maintaining this skin care routine without overwhelming your skin is the easiest way to get clear skin. Keep in mind that it is not how many products you use on your skin that matters, it is making sure you are using the right products for your own skin. Kiehl's makes sure that you use the right products for your skin type. Whatever your concern is, whether is acne, wrinkles or dark spots, you can choose the Kiehl's serum for you to implement in your skin care routine. Serums consist of small molecules that can penetrate into the skin and deliver a high concentration of ingredients. Applying a moisturizer after the serum will ensure that these ingredients are locked into the skin and will perform even more effectively.

How to Take Care of your Skin?

No matter what your skin type is, it is very important to take care of it. It is crucial to include at least a cleanser, toner and moisturizer in your daily routine to ensure your skin is clear, hydrated and firm. To address any specific concerns you might have, you can also add serums, eye creams, and more. Look through our website or consult one of our experts at a Kiehl's store to create your specialized skin care routine!

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